Join LibDems in Europe
You'll automatically become a member of LibDems in Europe by joining the Liberal Democrats with an address in Europe (except if you live in France, where you'll become a member of our sister…
You'll automatically become a member of LibDems in Europe by joining the Liberal Democrats with an address in Europe (except if you live in France, where you'll become a member of our sister…
Speaking at the Liberal Democrat’s European local party AGM, Party Chair, Tom McAdam, highlighted our success in re-gaining votes for over 2.1 million voters British citizens living abroad who had…
Our Liberal people Our activities are coorindated by the local party Executive Committee. We have branches in Belgium and Luxembourg. Meet the members of all of these below. Dave Sapiro (Chair) …
Party Groups With over 100,000 members in the UK Liberal Democrats there are many specialist areas of interest and expertise. The network of party groups allows these specialists to come together…
Volunteer With a membership across Europe, we're not your conventional Liberal Democrat Local Party so we can't go door-to-door canvassing or leafletting. We can offer you many different ways to get…
At their Congress in Dublin on 4 June 2022, the Alliance of Liberal and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) called for strengthening pan-European cooperation in research, education and innovation. The…
Liberal Democrats in Europe welcomed the proposals set out in the Queen's Speech to expand the voting franchise to all UK citizens
Liberal Democrats have today voted to launch an internal review that will set out roadmaps to rejoining EU agencies such as the Customs Union and Sing...